Getting Started

WbizTool provides REST API (Application Programming Interface) that lets you integrate with third-party applications such as, Zapier, Zoho, Salesforce, Drift, self-service portals and others.

The REST API uses simple HTTP methods, such as GET and POST. These methods allow data to be extracted in JSON format including errors, making it easy to develop new applications and also to integrate with existing business applications.

End Point:
Required Fields in Every Request API
  • client_id (Integer) - Your Client Id (Given on API Keys page in INTEGRATION Section
  • api_key (String) - Your Api Key (Given on API Keys page in INTEGRATION Section
  • whatsapp_client (Integer) - Your WhatsApp Client Id (Given on Whatsapp Setting page)

Code examples are available in Python, Go, Ruby, Node.js, Java, Curl and PHP

Client Id & Api Key can be found on API Keys Page
whatsapp_client can be found on Whatsapp Setting Page